Founded in 2011, iReNòva is a company that has its registered office and production plant in Crotone, in Via F. Mancuso – Zona Industriale.
The company deals with research, development, design, implementation and management of innovative energy solutions. It brings together highly qualified professionals, with different specializations but with the shared commitment to meet the modern needs of public and private clients. It operates according to dynamic criteria of company management and systematically adopts a scientific approach favoring the use of advanced survey methods, using specialized equipment and advanced systems for the acquisition and processing of information.
It also uses a multidisciplinary network made up of functional links and external partnerships. She is a member of the Calabria Region Innovation Pole for renewable energy, energy efficiency and technologies for the sustainable management of environmental resources managed by the company NET s.c.a.r.l. In this associative context, convinced promoter of a culture that favors the correct and conscious use of energy resources, it immediately distinguished itself for the proactive scientific collaboration within the Polo investment program as well as for the project initiatives merged into the Strategic Agenda of followed by the Calabria Region.
During these years iReNòva has developed an important analysis and study based on research, development, design and implementation of solutions aimed at sustainable mobility and the implementation of activities that base their core-concept on innovation in the field energy, reuse, eco-sustainability. In 2013, in view of the study carried out and, therefore, of the acquired know-how, iReNòva and the Polo NET, after approval of the project by the Calabria Region, have defined and started the realization in partnership of a laboratory / workshop for the development , the design and production of equipment for sustainable mobility and environmental protection, through the development of three product lines:
psystem design and provision of services aimed at improving energy and water resources,
design and construction of pedal assisted pedaling cycles and electric vehicles for private and industrial use, also dedicating a section to the production/marketing of charging systems, with and without storage, to support electric traction mobility,
research and experimental development in the field of renewable energy production.
The Laboratory / Workshop consists of an R & D section for designing and prototyping and 2 functional lines for assembly, functional testing and testing of cycles, vehicles and systems.
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